How to get younger instead of older

My bathroom scale measures muscle mass, body fat, bone density, in addition to body weight. The scale also calculates my metabolic age. My metabolic age used to be in the 50’s the same as my actual age, at the time. Now with some work and good habits, my metabolic age is 34 years old!

I used to worry a lot about getting older. I worried about ageism and being secure in my job as a professional woman. I noticed at work that I often was among the oldest people among my professional peers.

I agonized over the decision to let my grey hair grow out instead of “magically darkening” when I went for a hair cut at the salon. Would I be replaced with someone younger (and cheaper to employ)? I work really hard at keeping up professionally and with participating in continuing education. But would that be overlooked when they see me, an older woman?

I come from a family and culture where we honor and respect our older members. I realize now that with age comes wisdom and perspective. I also realized that I was contributing to my own ageism and discrimination. I can’t control getting older, but I can control many aspects of my health and appearance. My health is a priority today. So even though I’m getting older, I’m stronger, more energetic, I’ve even improved my muscle mass and bone density.

Subscribe to my blog post for tips on staying young and improving your health. Please leave your comments about your own experiences with aging.


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