New weight loss drug semaglutide is so effective it has caused shortages.

Semaglutide is the newest weight loss drug and so effective, it has caused shortages in the industry. Semaglutide is the first FDA-approved medication for weight loss since 2014 and the most effective of all weight loss medications.

You must be willing to give yourself a shot once a week. Patients lose 15-20% of their weight. In other words, if you weigh 200 lbs, you can expect to lose 30-40 pounds. Since I started prescribing it in November of 2021, my patients have lost an average of 10 to 12 pounds in the first month. The medication works by reducing hunger and making you feel full. 

Semaglutide requires a prescription and some patients can choose to pay cash if insurance will not cover it. 

Semaglutide is the generic name for brands Wegovy, Ozempic and Rybelsus. 

It is recommended for people with BMI of 30 or a BMI of 27 with related condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure. 

People with a history or family history of thyroid cancer should not take it. 

Common side effects are indigestion, constipation and nausea. 

Rare but serious side effects could be pancreatitis, kidney injury, retinal (eye) damage, gallstones. 

Schedule a consultation with me to see if semaglutide will work for you.

Click to join a Semaglutide Ozempic Facebook group and see other peoples success:`


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